
How did you get away with it?

How did you get away with it?

This is the question I was asked a lot before, during and after my swimming holiday.  I was essentially being asked how could a Mother / Wife take 5 days off just for herself?  I replied...
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Embrace your Body

Embrace your Body

I was so looking forward to my Saturday.  It started off with a double bus journey to Tooting to watch the other half take part in the Cold Water Swimming Championships, 30m in 1 degree. The place...

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How I eat

How I eat

My relationship with food has not always been a healthy one. As a teenager and in my 20’s I ate as little as possible, as a rower it was often a chore to eat enough and food was fuel. Now I can...

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Terrific Tummies

Terrific Tummies

I have two toddlers with terrific tummies.  I also know plenty of ballerinas who prance around in their leotards proud as punch of their beautiful bodies at age five, six and...

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Baz’s Christmas Present List

Baz’s Christmas Present List

If Christmas is on your radar right now and you need to buy some pressies for some wonderful women in your life then here are a few suggestions.  In my mission to normalise conversations around...

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