Client Testimonials

Client Testimonials

“I approached Baz a year after the birth of my second daughter. After two C sections and a very traumatic and painful postnatal period with my second, I knew I couldn’t connect effectively with my core and pelvic floor (or bladder) and as such I wasn’t exercising. Baz’s approach was so refreshing and insightful. I went from being anxious about exercise to having confidence in what my body could do – Baz was empowering and really helped motivate many changes for me.

Baz is not only charismatic but she has such a wealth of expertise. I can’t recommend her highly enough.”

 Anna McDonald | Medical Student and Mother

Early on in my pregnancy I developed SPD and had severe pain in my pelvis making it very difficult to move around. I also had an emergency c-section, which together left me feeling like my body was a bit broken. I tried various mummy and baby fitness classes as soon as I could after giving birth, but never felt comfortable, I was very unsure of my body and what might hurt me and was aware that I also had diastasis but unaware how to fix it. Adding in longstanding negativity towards my body and weight, never truly happy with how I looked, I wasn’t in a great place with my body, health & mind postpartum.

I pushed myself to do something, and both my doula and women’s health physio recommended I see Baz and so I jumped right in, not knowing what to expect. I remember turning up for my first session expecting a full-on workout, and was so happily surprised that Baz spent time talking to me, finding out about me and my body, how I felt about myself and what I wanted to do, and gently introducing me to her method.

Over the first few sessions we took things very slowly, going right back to basics, and it dawned on me that I needed to help my body recover and rehabilitate after pregnancy and birth, I needed to make it strong from the core. Despite knowing that my pelvis and core were central to me bringing my beautiful daughter into the world, I hadn’t properly considered that I would need to help restore them (and more!) afterwards.

Baz helped me to get moving again, safely and carefully, she knew how to push me just enough that I could see change, but not too much that it would be overwhelming for me whilst navigating the whole new world of being a new mum. She worked with me to create a programme that specifically dealt with what I needed to work on and was super easy to do at home. Week by week Baz helped me to push forward. She kept me going even when it felt so hard, until suddenly things started to slot into place.

Over 6 months Baz has helped me get so much stronger physically and I am fitter than I have ever been before. But even more importantly for me, she has built up my confidence in myself and I have a new-found awareness and understanding of my body. Exercise to me now is how I look after myself and how I make sure I feel good about myself. I am now so proud of what my body can do, that it gave me my daughter, and through training with Baz I have completely changed how I think and feel about myself.

Gemma | Mother

Every woman should go to one of Baz Moffat’s Holistic Core Restore® Every Woman classes! Whether you are under or over 30, 50 or beyond, with or without children, there will be something for you. This is not your typical squeeze and hold pelvic floor class.

Baz helped me understand how my pelvic floor works, how to work with it when you exercise and best of all, lose the “leaky laughs”.  She is truly a mentor and role model for women’s health.


Baz is just incredible.  I don’t usually write reviews but she’s totally worth it – truly inspiring! I was more than a little apprehensive about joining a group and discussing matters to do with pelvic floor among people I’d never met.  But the sessions were such good fun (seriously) as well as incredibly informative. Now none of us bat an eyelid at using the words ‘leakage’ or whether we’re ‘setting the anus’ correctly … I could go on, but you’ll have to join a course to experience the marvel that Baz is, for yourselves.

Having been a leaky runner, cougher, key-in-lock person, just 6 weeks in and the difference is palpable. I’m SO well on my way to good pelvic floor strength and am determined to keep up the focus on this, and all other areas of over “40s female wellness” (but the course isn’t just for middle-agies like me!)   Do yourself a favour, and go and learn everything you need to know about one of the most important muscles in your body – and you’ll not look back.  Thanks so much Baz – every woman needs to see you (and probably men too!).


I do just want to say a very big thank you for your wonderfully generous initiative for the women at St Marks. As you could see, the response said it all as to the importance and need for this advice and instruction. I know this is your passion and work, but can I say how beautifully you led the session – with honesty, humour and clarity – and giving women renewed hope that things can be addressed and changed, rather than kept hidden and stuck!


I have done yoga, pilates and “core” work (sit-ups etc.!) for years and never realised that my core included back, diaphragm and pelvic floor as well as abs. I am seeing a big difference in my yoga practice and my daily life with a toddler as I incorporate lots of what I’ve learned on this course about engaging everything properly. The course was so much more than just an exercise class – it was a challenge and an invitation to improve in all areas of my life from nutrition and relaxation to general exercise and movement – thank you!


Before the course my pelvic floor was very weak and I couldn’t understand how to connect my breath to my pelvic floor. I now have much more control over both. I have also found the nutrition element to the course really inspiring.


Having a whole hour to be peaceful and focus on my health in a really relaxed, nurturing environment, the only hour of the week it felt like someone was looking after ME! Also love meeting other lovely like-minded Mums.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am a firm believer in empowering, educating and investing in women and I am so thankful to you for being someone who is doing just this.


With compassion and knowledge, Baz created trust in just a few weeks within our group; supporting each other through frustrations and highs/lows of post pregnancy. Guiding us to reconnect with our core, to accept it takes time whilst adjusting the program to each specific need. Thanks to Baz’s Every Woman program, I know I’m doing the basics right and I feel empowered to get stronger at my own pace.


The diastasis has improved meaningfully within 3 months after birth and as a result I feel much stronger and better equipped for lifting the kids and doing other daily activities. Whilst the pelvic floor continues to be weak, I believe I have also made some improvement there and the course has provided me with knowledge and exercises that will allow me to continue to work on improving the pelvic floor over the coming months.
