CategoryTalking Taboos: Menopause in the Workplace with Metistalk and the Digital GP
Most of you already know that Dr Bella Smith (aka The Digital GP) and I have joined forces to deliver a series of educational and empowering workshops focusing on the menopause and women’s health....
Guest Blog: The Menstrual Cycle – Improve your body literacy, improve your performance
If you are a woman or work with women then you really must read this outstanding blog from Dr. Emma Ross (PhD). She is a scientist through and through yet despite her years of research and...
Guide to Post Natal Running
I used to love running, I felt athletic, fast and free and got a total high from training and events. It feels like that was a lifetime ago but, it was only 5-10 years ago. Since then though my...
When tight becomes too tight…how Pelvic Floor work can help with painful sex
It is fair to say that the majority of women that I work with are mums, but there are a significant and growing group who are not. Kat is one of those women who has recently worked with me...
Moving More in Midlife with This Girl is on Fire
Menopause is an inevitable life stage for all us women and as we start to talk about it, share our experiences and increase our understanding of it, we also increase our options to manage the...
The Core of it…Pants not Pads with Being Mum
In October I’m going to host a Pelvic Floor Workshop at the fantastic Being Mum Festival in London, and I sat down with them a little while ago to talk about how important it is to do your pelvic...
Putting on my Brave Pants with Vogue and the Viking
I sat down with the fabulous Vogue and the Viking a couple of weeks ago to talk about putting my brave pants on, menopause, juggling life and husband stuff, and of course, pelvic floor!
These two...
Found and Flourish #HOWSHEDIDIT Interview
I recently sat down with the brilliant Lara Sheldrake from Found and Flourish to talk about Women’s Health, pelvic floor (you know me, I couldn’t resist), self care and how to juggle running a...
Get your Glow Back – Podcast with Madeliene Shaw
Any of you who’ve been here before will know I’m all about the Pelvic Floor, so imagine my delight when Madeleine Shaw asked me to be a guest on her wellness podcast series for mums, Get your Glow...
Finding time to eat the right foods -Dietician, Mum and blogger, Laura Clark
I wanted to take this opportunity to pen a few words on a different reconnection – that of our eating habits and our bodies and hopefully shed light on the importance of finding a strategy that...